Spiritual Direction


What is Spiritual Direction?

Companionship on the spiritual journey which seeks to support a person’s ability to hear God’s voice, notice His movements in his/her life, and respond to this communicating God. The goal is deeper insight into both self and God, in a way that leads to greater honesty and intimacy in this vitally important relationship.

What Can I Gain Through Spiritual Direction?

A safe space to speak honestly and openly about the complex ups and downs of the spiritual journey and life with God.

It is often in speaking, reflecting on, and wondering about our experiences that we are most able to see truly both God and ourselves.

A sacred space lovingly and thoughtfully prepared for you—a space in which you can speak to God and listen to Him.

A space where you can wonder honestly about where He is in your life. A space for you to listen to the Father’s heart of love for you.


Why Should I Do Spiritual Direction With Stacey?

I promise to offer you a gracious, judgement-free zone.

Life with God is much trickier and more complex than we might hope. We often stay silent about our struggles out of shame or guilt. I promise to provide a space of grace for you to be honest about your experiences and find yourself met by God’s love and acceptance. His invitation is always to greater life and intimacy with Him—not to condemnation.

I promise to listen to God’s Spirit as I sit with you—not my own opinions or agendas.

I—in fact—am not the Director. The Holy Spirit is the Director of your journey. I promise to create a space where we both can be attentive to God’s Spirit as He leads and guides you into greater intimacy with Himself.

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