ClearView Community Church

A case study


ClearView Community Church desired for their small groups to grow in depth, vulnerability, and trust—and sought to support this within the context of their annual Small Group Leaders’ Retreat.


Over the course of ClearView’s Small Groups Leaders’ Retreat, Stacey led several sessions of teaching and discussion—with the goal of a long, slow conversation cultivating self-awareness and curiosity in each leader.


Stacey taught on the Critical Journey Model for spiritual formation, pausing to consider and discuss what each leader was noticing about their own experience—as well as the unique experiences of the members of their small groups. Discussion involved sharing stories, as well as wondering how they might shift their small group content and experience to meet members in a variety of places on their spiritual journey.


Later sessions incorporated teaching on the Enneagram Triads—with the goal of each leader understanding their unique personalities, needs, and preferences in regards to their small group. And then curiosity was encouraged around the experience of those small group members with different wiring than themselves.


The small group leaders were given space and questions for reflection at the end of the retreat, with the encouragement to discuss their reflections with their co-leaders.


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