South Fellowship Church

a case study


South Fellowship Church sought out working with Stacey with the desire that each staff member would “engage in a caring and spiritually-directed process to determine their Enneagram type and the implications of their number within the functions of team, perhaps family and the greater community too.”

They desired deeper trust and cohesion for their team, supported by a better understanding of how they function, relate, and connect to each other out of their motivations and natural wirings.

South Fellowship’s Director of Strategic Leadership and Development, Andrea Jones, added, "I want each of us to feel comfortable being ourselves, and NOT throwing our numbers around. Somewhere in all of this, I want this team to understand we aren’t only a number. We aren’t a type, but are Jesus followers who are invited to growth, invited to perspectives and ways of treating each other that aligns with being filled and led by the Holy Spirit, not just an Enneagram 8, 6, 1, etc.”


Stacey kicked off the process by having each staff member take the CPS E-Type Indicator Enneagram Test, which incorporates the Enneagram subtypes in it’s algorithm. She then met with each staff individually to explore their test results, confirm their typing or consider if another type might be more accurate.

After supplying follow-up resources for further exploration, Stacey met again with each staff member to notice further the patterns and implications of their Type and Subtype in their experience of the team. She supported each member in considering what they might want to share with the rest of the team—in terms of their wiring, strengths, growth edges, and needs.

South Fellowship Church invited Stacey to join them for their staff retreat, during which she led the team in some mindful prayer practices and then guided the team through each individual sharing from their Enneagram findings. The process culminated with Stacey leading South Fellowship Church’s leadership team through processing and gathering their key learnings and possible action steps flowing from the group sharing.


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