HTAC had been working through the first two books in David Benner's Spiritual Journey Trilogy (Surrender to Love and The Gift of Being Yourself) in their weekly small groups. Since Benner deals with the Enneagram in The Gift of Being Yourself, they hoped to explore it further in a class.
Stacey led a 5-week course on the Enneagram, consisting of five 1.5hr-long lessons. These lessons covered the Enneagram Triads, each Type in depth (including false self, true self, childhood messages, defense mechanisms, arrows, and growth path), and culminated in a discussion where each member of the class helped to further teach the others through sharing specifics from their own lived experience of their type.
A year later, HTAC had Stacey return for another 5-week course, as many of its members wanted to dive even deeper into understanding themselves and others in their lives through the lens of the Enneagram. This second class focused on the various pathways for growth within the Enneagram—connecting to head, heart, and gut, moving with the arrow lines, and understanding the added nuance of the Enneagram subtypes.
Several members of the class followed up with Stacey, requesting both individual coaching and coaching for their employees.